
Press release for 2019 LMT LAB DAY

​HeyGears is a technically innovative company focused on 3D printing applications and digital intelligent manufacturing technology. The company was founded in Guangzhou 2015, by a talented group of young men from the School of Engineering of the U.S. Public Ivy UIUC. Since founded, HeyGears has been dedicated to providing the cutting edge digital dental solutions for dental labs in China and the U

06-19 海讯社


韩国FAU的超级热门商品“保湿再生BB霜”中含有珍珠成分,能够展现光彩肌肤的新产品“珍珠高光再生BB霜”的上市成为了韩国化妆品业界热门话题。 “保湿再生BB霜”的后续产品“珍珠高光再生BB霜”维持了原有的“保湿再生BB霜”的效果,并且含有亮丽的色感和细微的珍珠珠光,可以让皮肤呈现出自然的光彩。


韩国Der Meiren 化妆袋式化妆品引人瞩目

以化妆袋的形态代替化妆品容器,节约成本的“化妆袋式化妆品”备受瞩目。韩国JWAYINT公司的化妆袋式化妆品品牌韩国Der Meiren便是其主人公。韩国Der Meiren最大的特点在于其摆脱了现有化妆品的包装,将30克商品装入化妆袋形态容器内,推向市场。

06-19 海讯社

QR Code Industrial Inkjet Printer---The good helper of products identification

Abstract: Under the effect of the increasing demand for QR code identification nowadays, CYCJET began to push developing and upgrading of the C serials industrial inkjet printer. The large format inkjet printer can achieve large size, stable, and precise variable QR code content identification, and realize product packaging by unique code. Regardless of the previous product quality control or the

06-19 海讯社




Wave Robo Advisor: an AI Investment Software for Lazybones

Wave Robo Advisor by Davinci Technology, is a new star in AI investment field. After nearly three years of research and more than a year of market test, Wave Robo Advisor has launched its product, Robo Advisor Family, which integrates the function of MT5, starts the craze of social investment, and breaks through the barriers between lazybones and investment experts.



一、软文推广塑造品牌形象:由于新闻媒体的权威性,知名媒体深受广大群众的信赖。网民们仍然对媒体新闻有着天生的信任,这极大地帮助了公司提升品牌声誉 。当腾讯创始人马化腾在新闻网站上发送宣传文章时,很快《人民日报》下的人民网发表了这篇文章。马化腾非常高兴。他在公司内部说上了《人民日报》,事实上,它只是人民网而已。腾讯还为此组织所有员工前往深圳附近的光明农场去滑草。想象一下,让你的公司以新闻的形式出现在各大门户网站上有多厉害。

06-19 海讯社




Application of CYCJET LF Series Laser Printer in Can Making Industry

Abstract: Fiber fly laser printers are widely used in the canning industry. In the past ten years, due to the harsh requirements of environmental protection and the shortage of resources, the global metal can material industry, metal can industry and metal packaging industry have developed rapidly. The application fields of metal cans are gradually expanding, and the competition among can manufact




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