

新闻,是指报纸、电台、电视台经常使用的记录社会、传播信息、反映时代的一种文体。它的种类很多,这里只介绍使用频率最高的消息和通讯。 消息,也叫新闻。新闻这一概念有狭义和广义之分。狭义的单指消息;广义的指消息、通讯、报告文学、特写、评论等等。消息是用概括的叙述方式,比较简明扼要的文字,迅速及时地报道国内外新近发生的、有价值的、群众最关心的事实。

06-19 海讯社

cosmetics matches skin perfectly in French style

Abstract: Yinrrytung, a popular cosmetics brand born in Paris, takes "make up in French style" as its brand concept. Integrating top research and development technology and the most cutting-edge fashion essence, Yinrrytung has made itself a fashionable color trend pioneer. The brand is devoted to makeup-and-skincare combination, maximizing the features of romance, confidence, sexiness, attractiven




06-19 海讯社

CYCJET Pharmacy traceability inkjet printing system

Abstract: Medicine is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and life and health must be regulated by the most stringent standards. Therefore, it is also reasonable for the enterprise to be the main responsible party to be required to establish a drug information traceability system to ensure product safety. The traceability of medical products is essentially a collection of “one


How to use the carton handheld printer Pay attention to these matters when using

Abstract Carton hand-held inkjet printer, also known as portable inkjet printer, is a portable inkjet printer. It can be carried with you, and it is light and easy to operate. Carton handheld printers are widely used in workshops, warehouses, logistics and freight yards, offices, etc. They can print simple product dates, shelf life, models, specifications and other product information, and can als



1.针对目标市场的语种需要,不断优化内容。优质的翻译是第一步,把你的新闻稿翻译成当地语言,然后根据目标受众的口味,做一些适当的调整或改写。 2.持续地、定期地发出你的内容。千万不要以为打一枪就可以了。要想达到好的传播效果,只有不断地让你的内容出现在媒体和受众面前。对于记者来说,打一枪就跑的传播思路,更不利于引起他们的关注和兴趣。这方面,有海外传播需求的公司一定要耐心再耐心。 3.尽可能的让你的内容到达更广泛的媒体和受众。这样无疑会增加你的曝光次数,吸引到你想吸引的人群。

06-19 海讯社



06-19 海讯社

The 22nd China P&E is to be held Apr12-15 in Beijing

Since 1998, China P&E(International Photograph & Electrical Imaging Machinery and Technology Fair) has been successfully held for 21 sessions. Approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the 22nd China P&E will be held in Beijing Exhibition Centre from April 12 to 15, 2019.

06-19 海讯社


企业做广告得找媒介投放(海讯社haixunpr.com)。然而,该找什么样的媒介发挥更大的效用,却有很大的学问。一般来讲,企业选择媒介做广告,要结合当前与长远的发展战略目标做出决定。比如新产品上市时,为了吸引 社会关注和打动经销商,就要考虑选择主流的财经媒介。如果要拉动终端销售,则应考虑选择目标市场的大众媒介,比如当地强势的电视、报纸。在确定了选哪种媒介这个大方向后,要对同一类型的所有媒体进行评估,具体参考指标有:发行量、受众总量、有效受众、受众特征、媒介本身的地域特征、广告的单位成本、广告的时段等等。这里着重有效受众、广告的单位成本和广告时段进行分析。

06-19 海讯社

Wave Robo Advisor: an AI Investment Software for Lazybones

Wave Robo Advisor by Davinci Technology, is a new star in AI investment field. After nearly three years of research and more than a year of market test, Wave Robo Advisor has launched its product, Robo Advisor Family, which integrates the function of MT5, starts the craze of social investment, and breaks through the barriers between lazybones and investment experts.

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